Michelle J. Redinbaugh, PhD

Position title: Graduate Student; Now Postdoc at Stanford University (Schnitzer Lab)

Email: mredinbaugh@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 890-2972

Research Interests

My primary research interests involve the neural correlates of consciousness. I’m interested in categorizing differential patterns of network activity associated with different conscious states using imaging techniques and multi-site electrophysiology in non-human primates.


Redinbaugh MJ, Afrasiabi M, Phillips JM, Kambi NA, Mohanta S, Raz A, Saalmann YB (2022) Thalamic deep brain stimulation as a paradigm for reducing consciousness: implications for cortico-striatal dynamics, absence epilepsy and consciousness studies. PLOS Computational Biology 18: e1010294.

Mohanta S, Afrasiabi M, Casey C, Tanabe S, Redinbaugh MJ, Kambi NA, Phillips JM, Polyakov D, Filbey W, Austerweil JL, Sanders RD, Saalmann YB (2021) Predictive feedback, early sensory representations and fast responses to predicted stimuli depend on NMDA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience 41: 10130-10147.

Phillips JM, Kambi NA, Redinbaugh MJ, Mohanta S, Saalmann YB (2021) Disentangling the influences of multiple thalamic nuclei on prefrontal cortex and cognitive control. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 128: 487-510.

Afrasiabi M*, Redinbaugh MJ*, Phillips JM, Kambi NA, Mohanta S, Raz A, Haun AM, Saalmann YB (2021) Consciousness depends on integration between parietal cortex, striatum and thalamus. Cell Systems 12: 363-373 (*denotes equal contributions).

Redinbaugh MJ, Phillips JM, Kambi NA, Mohanta S, Andryk S, Dooley GL, Afrasiabi M, Raz A, Saalmann YB (2020) Thalamus modulates consciousness via layer-specific control of cortex. Neuron 106: 66-75.

Phillips JM, Fish LR, Kambi NA, Redinbaugh MJ, Mohanta S, Kecskemeti SR, Saalmann YB (2019) Topographic organization of connections between prefrontal cortex and mediodorsal thalamus: Evidence for a general principle of indirect thalamic pathways between directly connected cortical areas. NeuroImage 189: 832-846.